1. Analysis of current levels of teacher technology usage and capabilities
2. Promethean board training and usage of Promethean
3. Training on the creation and utilization of project-based units of instruction.
4. Training on using Wikis to promote student collaboration.
5. Training on using blogs to replace current lesson planning software.
Person(s) Responsible
1.Principal – Tammy Jones
1.Campus Technology Integrationist – Debbie McGraw
2.Tech. Int.- Debbie McGraw
2.Department heads
3. Director of Curriculum and Instruction – Judy Terry
3. Principal – Tammy Jones
4. Tech. Int. - Debbie McGraw
5. Tech. Int. - Debbie McGraw
Professional Development
1. Disaggregation of StaR chart data for JHS
2. Promethean training to be done by department at weekly department meetings.
3. 2 days of professional development before start of 11-12 school year. Teachers will receive training on creating TAKS-aligned units that allow students to “create knowledge.”
4. Training, to begin concurrently with project-based curriculum training, to be led by Debbie McGraw and any teachers currently using Wikis.
5. Training will take place during the 2 staff development days following graduation. Training will be conducted by Debbie McGraw.
We have recently started using a blog for our lesson plans. It is a little bit more complicated but everyone can see our lessons. It has worked out really great for us!